Atualizado em 22 de maio de 2021 To analyze the root cause of the occurrence, we can use the Ishikawa diagram / Cause and effect tool. Access the occurrence that is in the cause analysis stage. In order to have access to the cause analysis tools, it is necessary to be responsible for the occurrence or for the analysis stage. The approver of the occurrence and the user who is allowed to edit all of them also have access to cause analysis. After accessing the case click on . The screen will appear to select the tool to be used. Analysis tool: Select the Ishikawa Diagram / Cause and effect option . Diagram title: Insert the title of the diagram, if you prefer not to insert a title it is defined by default Ishikawa diagram. Problem: The title of the occurrence is displayed in this field, if necessary, add more information to the problem. To include the tool, click Add. With the tool added, we can change the causes and add the subcauses. Editing a cause # To change a cause, click on the context menu and click Edit. The window to change the name of the cause will appear, after editing click on Save. If a cause is not needed, we can remove it. To change a cause, click on the context menu and click Remove. You will need to confirm the removal of the cause, click Remove cause. Adding sub-causes # Click to insert the subcauses in the desired cause. The screen for filling in a sub-cause will be displayed. The display of the related cause is displayed. Subcause: Enter the subcause. Possible root cause: If during the analysis this sub-cause can be a root cause, we can mark it as Possible root cause. Root cause: If in the analysis of the discovered cause it is identified that it is the root cause, we can enable it in this field. Bearing in mind that if in the module settings the mandatory filling option is enabled, the tool is considered filled when we have at least one root cause. After entering the information, click Add. Fields with * are mandatory. With the subcauses added we have the diagram completed. We can have as many diagrams as needed. See how to classify a cause. More tool options # We can edit the diagram, the problem, the cause and the subcauses that have been added. Click to collapse the preview of the tool. In the context menu of the tool we have the options: • Edit: Change the name of the tool. • Remove: Remove the diagram. We can change the position cause, click and hold to move. In the context menu of the cause we have the options: • Edit: Change the name of the tool. • Remove: Remove the diagram. In the context menu of the subcause we have the options: • Edit: Change the name of the tool. • Remove: Remove the diagram • Possible cause: Mark the sub-cause as a possible cause. • Root cause: Mark the sub-cause as the root cause. In the context menu of the problem we have the option: • Edit: Edit the problem being analyzed. If a cause has been removed and you want to add it, click . Tool changes are recorded in the history.